Rotmg Hacked Client Mac

Welcome to mad swag. I will enter a Abyss Of Daemons and sadly die on the best Knight ever. ⭐ RotMG Exalt Hacks → Included in the RealmStock Multi-Tool. Want the Hacked Client experience for RotMG Exalt? Experience all the essentials and much more with our fully featured proxy hacks! The spiritual successor to the 059 Client for Flash.

Release v0.26
  • Updated for
  • Added Lute and Mace to Ability AutoLoot
  • Added Tutorial Bypass in Tools Options

Release v0.25n
  • Updated for

Release v0.25m
  • Fixed potion desync after drinking
  • Fixed issue with large vaults

Release v0.25l
  • Fixed autonexus issues with previous update

Release v0.25k
  • Updated for
  • Added total players online counter

Release v0.25j
  • Optimized launch time
  • Fixed launch issue again

Release v0.25i
  • Added toggle auto ability hotkey
  • Fixed launch issue for certain people

Release v0.25h
  • Fixed launch issue

Release v0.25g
  • Fixed dc with potion autoloot

Release v0.25f
  • Fixed Steam multilogin
  • Fixed potion slot desync with dropping items
  • Fixed auto drink MP after quiet description
  • Readded autolooting hp and mp potions to empty slots
  • Updated Vault maphack

Release v0.25d
  • Fixed special characters in multi login
  • Improved logging performance

Rotmg Hacked Client

Release v0.25c
  • Updated for
  • Fully fixed Invalid Token with MultiLogin

Rotmg Hacked Clients Not Working

Release v0.25b
  • Updated for

Release v0.25a
  • Improved startup time
  • Fixed invalid token issue
  • Fixed file logging
  • Fixed dc with new content

Release v0.25
  • Updated for
  • Fixed Cult Staff (for real)
  • Fixed Multi Login with special characters

Release v0.24
  • Enabled MultiLogin

Release v0.23i
  • Updated for
  • Fixed DCs for teleport and portal full, etc

Release v0.23h
  • Updated for
  • Fixed a dc from ignoring certain debuffs
  • Temporarily disabled multilogin

Release v0.23g
  • Updated for
  • Fixed some settings getting reset
  • Fixed font on certain windows themes
  • Fixed dc on death

Release v0.23f
  • Updated for

Release v0.23e
  • Updated for

Release v0.23d
  • Improved Focus Boss on AutoAim

Release v0.23b
  • Fixed Cult Staff Reversal
  • Fixed AutoAim Target Prediction
  • Added Option for Lead Range

Release v0.23a
  • Properly Updated XML (fixes Autonexus issues)

Release v0.23
  • Improved AutoAim Prediction (accelerating shots)
  • Improved Settings Commands
  • Added AutoAim Boss Focus Mode
  • Added AutoAim Wall Ignore Mode
  • Added AutoAim Cultist Staff Support
  • Added HotKey for AutoNexus HP Reset

Release v0.22a
  • Fixed DC with auto ability
  • Fixed DC with drink MP after quiet

Release v0.22
  • Updated for
  • Disabled chat commands when using Stealth mode
  • Added Potion Autoloot and Autodrink back (if you encounter any issues, turn them off)

Release v0.21d
  • Improve startup reliability
  • Improve messages

Release v0.21c
  • Updated for
  • Added Steam compatibility to Multi Login
  • Removed locked player hiding (not possible for now)
  • Added /lefttomax command
  • General multilogin improvements

Release v0.21b
  • Fixed the AutoNexus Projectile (XML) issues in the previous build

Release v0.21a
  • Updated for
  • Improved /ip and /goto
  • Made AutoAim stop shooting when Unstabled

Release v0.21
  • Updated for
  • Fixed Settings getting reset
  • Fixed Crash on load
  • Added Description tooltips for all hacks
  • Disabled potion related hacks until next update

Release v0.20
  • Removed Fame Tools
  • Fixed Support ID being blank
  • Fixed Auto Ability Group Size setting
  • Improved Auto Ability Enemy Health setting
  • Improved Auto Ability for Scepters
  • Improved program reliability

Release v0.19c
  • Fixed error when closing program

ClientRelease v0.19b
  • Fixed DC with looting hp/mp potions

Release v0.19a
  • Updated for
  • Fixed Auto Ability Invincible/Invulnerable for real this time
  • Fixed Auto Ability DC when swapping items
  • Fixed Auto Ability range cap
  • Fixed replacing fame with client HP in stealth mode

Release v0.19
  • Updated to
  • Added Auto Aim
  • Added setting for auto pot drink delay
  • Fixed Auto Nexus hp vit + In Combat regeneration
  • Fixed Auto Nexus armored/curse modifiers
  • Fixed Auto Ability shooting at invincible targets
  • Fixed Ninja Auto Ability
  • Fixed DC when hatching pets
  • Possibly fixed startup connection issues

Rotmg Hack Client

Release v0.18b
  • Fixed autonexus DC and hp pot drinking

Release v0.18a
  • Fixed major autonexus hp desync issues
  • Fixed Dammah ignoring
  • Added in game hack options

Release v0.18
  • Fixed Petrify Immune bug

Release v0.17g
  • Updated for Exalt
  • Fixed Exalt launch issues (il2cpp error, Data folder error)
  • Fixed resetting launcher path (hold alt and click launch)
  • Minor UI changes
  • Added autoloot options for eggs

Release v0.17f
  • Fixed Oryx Chamber DC
  • Added Wine Cellar to map hack

Release v0.17e

Rotmg Hacked Client Mac Download

  • Updated for Exalt
  • Fixed bug with drinking potions out of bags
  • Fixed editing account in multi login
  • Fixed log issue with url too long
  • Added Oryx Chamber to map hack

Release v0.17d
  • Removed IP copy for a later release (caused DC)

Release v0.17c

Rotmg Hacked Client Mac

  • Fixed autonexus DC + potion drinking
  • Fixed potion storage quantities
  • Added copy server IP to clipboard option