Pokemon Lightning Yellow Mac


All faithful “Pokemon Go” players know that once you become a level five trainer there is a crucial decision that you must make. You must choose to join one of three gym-battling teams, each differentiated by color and credo — and as a member of Team Instinct, I would like to make my case that there are signs that you are definitely Team Yellow on 'Pokemon Go' (and Yellow is the best!). Yes, we might not be the most popular choice or the most powerful team; but though we are few, we are mighty. Team Yellow will Pokesteal your heart.

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This is no small choice that you are confronted with: what team you pick in 'Pokemon Go' actually says a lot about you. No pressure, but the choice you make will stay with you for the rest of your life (or until you restart the game). Like picking what college to attend or what Hogwarts house you belong in — the 'Pokemon Go' team you choose may define you for years to come. Do NOT take this lightly.

If you have spent some time playing this viral augmented reality game, you already know that one of the best parts of it is the social aspect. The teams provide instant camaraderie and community — taking it from 'I want to be the very best' to 'We want to be the very best.' Yes, of course you could choose Team Mystic the 'intellectual' team or power-obsessed Team Valor, but like a ray of light from the legendary bird Zapdos, Team Instinct will continue to shine bright.

Also, need I remind you all that Pikachu is yellow. Yep. Mind blown.

Here are some signs that you are destined to rep Team Instinct:

1. You Trust Your Instincts

This is the most obvious reason that you belong with yellow, since our very name is Team Instinct. The leader of the group is Pokemon Master Spark. When you meet Spark for the first time, he makes his case for the team, saying:

'Pokemon are creatures with excellent intuition. I bet the secret to their intuition is related to how they’re hatched. Come on and join my team! You never lose when you trust your instincts!'

His speech may sound a little new age-y, but I agree with Spark. Getting in touch with your most basic instincts and learning to follow your intuition is a powerful gift. Pokemon are animals (of some kind) after all, and to be the best Pokemon trainer, you must be able to read their behavior and understand their natural propensities. Quickly made decisions are sometimes the best because they are not over-thought. While other teams (no offense Blue Team) will freeze up analyzing their next move, Team Instinct will conquer! Team Yellow: voted most likely to do group bonding and trust falls.

Pokemon Lightning Yellow Version

2. You Follow Your Intuition

If you have ever had a weird premonition, or dreamt of something that later came true — you belong on Team Yellow. I'm not saying you have to be some sort of psychic to join the Yellow (though that would be super cool), just be able to follow your gut feelings. Spark says that Pokemon have excellent intuition, which helps them fight. If you are able to let go of what your busy mind says in battle and use your instinctive feelings rather than cumbersome reasoning, we'd love to have you on the team.

3. You Are Not Afraid To Feel Your Feelings

Pokemon Lightning Yellow Mac Download

Do you find Team Mystic to be a little uptight? Is all their 'wisdom' and overly scientific 'calm analysis' a little boring to you? Does Team Valor's leader Candela seem a little power hungry? Do their obsession with strength and training seem a touch obsessive and even Spartan?

Join Team Instinct and let your emotions guide you! Team Instinct wants you to get in touch with all those feelings so that you are better able to read your intuition. Members of the yellow team will never look down on you for crying at a moving insurance commercial, keeping a journal, or performing in that poetry slam — we encourage it!

4. You Root For The Underdog

According to online polls for some crazy reason Yellow is the least popular team, but as we know from high school movies, the popular kids are not always the nicest. A recent poll of 100,000 gamers by Kotaku found that Team Mystic lead by a large margin, with over 37 percent choosing the Blue Team, Team Valor came in second place with nearly 30 percent, and Team Instinct trailed far behind at 23 percent.

If I had to hazard a guess, I'd say that the intellectual aspects of Team Mystic appealed to a wider audience, and blue is apparently the world's favorite color, according to a recent survey (red came in second). If you like to go against public opinion and march to the beat of your own drummer, than you are Yellow through and through.

5. You're Hella Chill


Team Valor may aggressively sneak out at 3 a.m. to lead surprise attacks on local gyms, and Team Mystic may have an army large enough to overtake cities, but yellow has... a nice glass of wine?


It's not that we don't care about our Pokemon or conquering gyms, we just don't need to always join the fray. We know that when the red and blue teams tear each other apart or flame out, Team Yellow will be left standing at the end.

Team Instinct is fine with spending a relaxing day collecting eggs, hatching them, and leveling up at lightning speed. As a member of Team Yellow, sometimes you know that its okay to just set up a lure at your local bar and enjoy a refreshing drink while the Pokemon come to you.

6. You Think Spark Is Hot

Pokemon Lightning Yellow Mac

Pokemon Lightning Yellow Roms

We may only be able to see Spark's silhouette, but it doesn't take much to know that he's a cutie. If you agree that this humble egg farmer with a cool spiky haircut is a total Dreamboat, then Team Instinct is for you. I'm guessing Spark is the Ryan Gosling meets Tom Hiddleston of Pokemon — hopefully, someday we'll even see his face.

Pokemon Lightning Yellow Cheats

7. You Want To Be Repped By Zapdos (The Best Mascot)

Each 'Pokemon Go' team has a legendary bird as its mascot. Team Mystic is represented by the ice bird Articuno, who controls the cold. Team Valor's mascot is the fire bird Moltres, and Team Instinct is repped by the lightning bird Zapdos, who can harness the power of electricity.

If you're not sure which mythic creature is your favorite, need I remind you who can also control electricity? Two words: pika pika.

8. Uh... 'Cause It's The Best Team

My instincts told me to pick the yellow team, and I haven't once regretted my decision.

Images: Screenshots/'Pokemon Go', Giphy (1, 2, 3, 4) , iPokemonGO/Twitter

Rom NameParametersSize
Bag Monster - 2012 Chinese Version - Ultimate Collector's Edition (Leaf Green Hack).gba16,00Mb
Moemon Daemon Version 3rd Plus (Fire Red Hack).gba16,00Mb
Moemon Deer Version (Fire Red Hack).gba16,00Mb
Moemon Looking at Me (Fire Red Hack).gba16,00Mb
Moemon R Ver (Fire Red Hack).gba16,00Mb
Moemon Rice Flour Ver (Fire Red Hack).gba16,00Mb
Moemon SP (Fire Red Hack).gba16,00Mb
Moemon SPH (Fire Red Hack).gba16,00Mb
Monster Red Bag 2012 - Ultimate Collector's Edition - Chinese Version (Fire Red Hack).gba16,00Mb
Pokemon - Blattgruene Edition (G) [f1].gba16,00Mb
Pokemon - Blattgruene Edition (G).gba16,00Mb
Pokemon - Edicion Rojo Fuego (S).gba16,00Mb
Pokemon - Feuerrote Edition (G) [f1] (Save).gba16,00Mb
Pokemon - Feuerrote Edition (G).gba16,00Mb
Pokemon - Fire Red (J) (V1.0) [T+Chi].gbaJapanese version, Chinese Translation16,00Mb
Pokemon - Fire Red (J) (V1.0) [T+Chi][a1].gbaJapanese version, Chinese Translation16,00Mb
Pokemon - Fire Red (J) (V1.0) [T+Eng0.5a24%_Jazz].gbaJapanese version16,00Mb
Pokemon - Fire Red (J) (V1.0) [T+Eng20040305].gbaJapanese version16,00Mb
Pokemon - Fire Red (J) (V1.0) [T-Eng0.1_Jazz].gbaJapanese version16,00Mb
Pokemon - Fire Red (J) (V1.0) [T-Eng0.1bSMARTIPS_Jazz].gbaJapanese version16,00Mb
Pokemon - Fire Red (J) (V1.0) [T-Eng0.2_Jazz].gbaJapanese version16,00Mb
Pokemon - Fire Red (J) (V1.0) [T-Eng0.2aSNESTOOL_Jazz].gbaJapanese version16,00Mb
Pokemon - Fire Red (J) (V1.0) [T-Eng0.2bSMARTIPS_Jazz].gbaJapanese version16,00Mb
Pokemon - Fire Red (J) (V1.0) [T-Eng0.2bSNESTOOL_Jazz].gbaJapanese version16,00Mb
Pokemon - Fire Red (J) (V1.0) [T-Eng0.3aSMARTIPS_Jazz].gbaJapanese version16,00Mb
Pokemon - Fire Red (J) (V1.0) [T-Eng0.3aSNESTOOL_Jazz].gbaJapanese version16,00Mb
Pokemon - Fire Red (J) (V1.0) [T-Eng0.3bSMARTIPS_Jazz].gbaJapanese version16,00Mb
Pokemon - Fire Red (J) (V1.0) [T-Eng0.3bSNESTOOL_Jazz].gbaJapanese version16,00Mb
Pokemon - Fire Red (J) (V1.0) [T-Eng0.4aSMARTIPS_Jazz].gbaJapanese version16,00Mb
Pokemon - Fire Red (J) (V1.0) [T-Eng0.4aSNESTOOL_Jazz & Daniel].gbaJapanese version16,00Mb
Pokemon - Fire Red (J) (V1.0) [T-Eng0.4bSMARTIPS_Jazz].gbaJapanese version16,00Mb
Pokemon - Fire Red (J) (V1.0) [T-Eng0.4bSNESTOOL_Jazz].gbaJapanese version16,00Mb
Pokemon - Fire Red (J) (V1.0) [f1] (Save).gbaJapanese version16,00Mb
Pokemon - Fire Red (J) (V1.0) [f1][T+Eng0.4bSMARTIPS_Jazz].gbaJapanese version16,00Mb
Pokemon - Fire Red (J) (V1.0) [f1][T+Eng0.4bSNESTOOL_Jazz].gbaJapanese version16,00Mb
Pokemon - Fire Red (J) (V1.0) [f1][T-Eng0.1bSMARTIPS_Jazz].gbaJapanese version16,00Mb
Pokemon - Fire Red (J) (V1.0) [f1][T-Eng0.1bSNESTOOL_Jazz].gbaJapanese version16,00Mb
Pokemon - Fire Red (J) (V1.0) [f1][T-Eng0.2aSMARTIPS_Jazz].gbaJapanese version16,00Mb
Pokemon - Fire Red (J) (V1.0) [f1][T-Eng0.2aSNESTOOL_Jazz].gbaJapanese version16,00Mb
Pokemon - Fire Red (J) (V1.0) [f1][T-Eng0.2bSMARTIPS_Jazz].gbaJapanese version16,00Mb
Pokemon - Fire Red (J) (V1.0) [f1][T-Eng0.2bSNESTOOL_Jazz].gbaJapanese version16,00Mb
Pokemon - Fire Red (J) (V1.0) [f1][T-Eng0.3aSMARTIPS_Jazz].gbaJapanese version16,00Mb
Pokemon - Fire Red (J) (V1.0) [f1][T-Eng0.3aSNESTOOL_Jazz].gbaJapanese version16,00Mb
Pokemon - Fire Red (J) (V1.0) [f1][T-Eng0.3bSMARTIPS_Jazz].gbaJapanese version16,00Mb
Pokemon - Fire Red (J) (V1.0) [f1][T-Eng0.3bSNESTOOL_Jazz].gbaJapanese version16,00Mb
Pokemon - Fire Red (J) (V1.0) [f1][T-Eng0.4aSMARTIPS_Jazz].gbaJapanese version16,00Mb
Pokemon - Fire Red (J) (V1.0) [f1][T-Eng0.4aSNESTOOL_Jazz].gbaJapanese version16,00Mb
Pokemon - Fire Red (J) (V1.0) [f2].gbaJapanese version16,00Mb
Pokemon - Fire Red (J) (V1.0) [t1].gbaJapanese version16,00Mb
Pokemon - Fire Red (J) (V1.0).gbaJapanese version16,00Mb
Pokemon - Fire Red (J) (V1.1) [f1] (Save).gbaJapanese version16,00Mb
Pokemon - Fire Red (J) (V1.1) [f2].gbaJapanese version16,00Mb
Pokemon - Fire Red (J) (V1.1).gbaJapanese version16,00Mb
Pokemon - Fire Red (J) [T+ChS20120723_Pocketstars SP].gbaJapanese version16,00Mb
Pokemon - Fire Red Version (U) (V1.0) [!].gbaVerified good dump, USA release16,00Mb
Pokemon - Fire Red Version (U) (V1.0) [T+Pol0.2_Dark Archon].gbaUSA release16,00Mb
Pokemon - Fire Red Version (U) (V1.0) [T+Pol].gbaUSA release16,00Mb
Pokemon - Fire Red Version (U) (V1.0) [T+Rus].gbaUSA release, Russian Translation16,00Mb
Pokemon - Fire Red Version (U) (V1.0) [T+Rus][a1].gbaUSA release, Russian Translation16,00Mb
Pokemon - Fire Red Version (U) (V1.0) [f1].gbaUSA release16,00Mb
Pokemon - Fire Red Version (U) (V1.0) [h1].gbaUSA release16,00Mb
Pokemon - Fire Red Version (U) (V1.1) [!].gbaVerified good dump, USA release16,00Mb
Pokemon - Fire Red Version (U) (V1.1) [T+Pol0.2_Dark Archon].gbaUSA release16,00Mb
Pokemon - Leaf Green (J) [T+ChS20120723_Pocketstars SP].gbaJapanese version16,00Mb
Pokemon - Leaf Green (J) [T+ChS].gbaJapanese version16,00Mb
Pokemon - Leaf Green (J) [T+ChS][a1].gbaJapanese version16,00Mb
Pokemon - Leaf Green (J) [T+ChS][t1] (386 Pokemon).gbaJapanese version16,00Mb
Pokemon - Leaf Green (J) [T+Chi].gbaJapanese version, Chinese Translation16,00Mb
Pokemon - Leaf Green (J) [T+Eng0.8_Daniel].gbaJapanese version16,00Mb
Pokemon - Leaf Green (J) [T+Eng1.0_LGTR].gbaJapanese version16,00Mb
Pokemon - Leaf Green (J) [T-Eng0.7_CW].gbaJapanese version16,00Mb
Pokemon - Leaf Green (J) [T-Eng1.00SMARTIPS_Team d4ni31][f1].gbaJapanese version16,00Mb
Pokemon - Leaf Green (J) [T-Eng1.00SNESTOOL_Team d4ni31][f1].gbaJapanese version16,00Mb
Pokemon - Leaf Green (J) [T-Eng1.01SMARTIPS_Daniel & Jazz][f1].gbaJapanese version16,00Mb
Pokemon - Leaf Green (J) [T-Eng1.01SNESTOOL_Daniel & Jazz][f1].gbaJapanese version16,00Mb
Pokemon - Leaf Green (J) [T-EngBeta2_www.lgtr.tk][f1].gbaJapanese version16,00Mb
Pokemon - Leaf Green (J) [f1] (Save).gbaJapanese version16,00Mb
Pokemon - Leaf Green (J) [t1].gbaJapanese version16,00Mb
Pokemon - Leaf Green (J).gbaJapanese version16,00Mb
Pokemon - Leaf Green Version (U) (V1.0) [!].gbaVerified good dump, USA release16,00Mb
Pokemon - Leaf Green Version (U) (V1.0) [T+Rus].gbaUSA release, Russian Translation16,00Mb
Pokemon - Leaf Green Version (U) (V1.0) [f1].gbaUSA release16,00Mb
Pokemon - Leaf Green Version (U) (V1.1).gbaUSA release16,00Mb
Pokemon - Verde Hoja (S).gba16,00Mb
Pokemon - Version Rouge Feu (F).gba16,00Mb
Pokemon - Version Vert Feuille (F).gba16,00Mb
Pokemon - Versione Rosso Fuoco (I).gba16,00Mb
Pokemon - Versione Verde Foglia (I).gba16,00Mb
Pokemon Advanced Adventure (2013) (Leaf Green Hack) [a1].gba16,00Mb
Pokemon Advanced Adventure (2013) (Leaf Green Hack).gba16,00Mb
Pokemon Advanced Adventure (Final V1B3) (Leaf Green Hack).gba16,00Mb
Pokemon Advanced Adventure (Leaf Green Hack).gba16,00Mb
Pokemon Advanced Adventure (version 2 beta 1) (Leaf Green Hack).gba16,00Mb
Pokemon Adventure Red - Red Story (Beta 1.7) (Fire Red Hack).gba16,00Mb
Pokemon Adventure Red - Red Story (Beta 3) (Fire Red Hack).gba16,00Mb
Pokemon Adventure Red - Red Story (Beta 4) (Fire Red Hack).gba16,00Mb
Pokemon Adventure Red - Red Story (Beta 4.5) (Fire Red Hack).gba16,00Mb
Pokemon Adventure Red - Red Story - Red Chapter (Beta 2.5) (Fire Red Hack).gba16,00Mb
Pokemon Adventure to Empire (Isle Beta 0.3) (Fire Red Hack).gba16,00Mb
Pokemon Amnesia (Fire Red Hack).gba16,00Mb
Pokemon Amnesia (Save File Fix) (Fire Red Hack).gba16,00Mb
Pokemon Apollo (Beta 0.3) (Fire Red Hack).gba16,00Mb
Pokemon Ash Gray (Beta 2.5z) (Fire Red Hack).gba16,00Mb
Pokemon Ash Gray (Beta 3.61) (Fire Red Hack).gba16,00Mb
Pokemon Ash Gray (Beta 4.2) (Fire Red Hack).gba16,00Mb
Pokemon Ash Gray (Beta v4.1) (Fire Red Hack).gba16,00Mb
Pokemon Ash Gray Version (Fire Red Hack).gba16,00Mb
Pokemon Ash Quest (Fire Red Hack).gba16,00Mb
Pokemon Ash's Quest (Fire Red Hack).gba16,00Mb
Pokemon Azure Horizons (Beta 1.2) (Fire Red Hack).gba16,00Mb
Pokemon Azure Horizons (Beta 2) (Fire Red Hack).gba16,00Mb
Pokemon Black Dark (Beta 2) (Fire Red Hack).gba16,00Mb
Pokemon Blazing Beta 1 (Fire Red Hack).gba16,00Mb
Pokemon Blazing Red (Fire Red Hack).gba16,00Mb
Pokemon Blue Legend (Beta 1) (Fire Red Hack).gba16,00Mb
Pokemon Blue Sea (Alpha V0.75) (Fire Red Hack) [f1] (Save).gba16,00Mb
Pokemon Blue Sea (Alpha V0.75) (Fire Red Hack).gba16,00Mb
Pokemon Blue Sea (Beta 1.0) (Fire Red Hack).gba16,00Mb
Pokemon Blue Sea (Fire Red Hack) [a1].gba16,00Mb
Pokemon Blue Sea (Fire Red Hack).gba16,00Mb
Pokemon Catalyst (Fire Red Hack).gba16,00Mb
Pokemon Celestium (Beta 1.0) (Fire Red Hack).gba16,00Mb
Pokemon Chaos Black (Fire Red Hack) [a1].gba16,00Mb
Pokemon Chaos Black (Fire Red Hack) [a2].gba15,43Mb
Pokemon Chaos Black (Fire Red Hack).gba16,00Mb
Pokemon Cobalt (Beta 1.13) (Fire Red Hack).gba32,00Mb
Pokemon Cobalt (Beta 1.15) (Fire Red Hack).gba32,00Mb
Pokemon CrazyVie (Beta 1.3) (Fire Red Hack).gba16,00Mb
Pokemon Creepy Black (Demo v0.05final - Unofficial Update) (Fire Red Hack).gba16,00Mb
Pokemon Creepy Black (Demo v0.05final) (Fire Red Hack).gba16,00Mb
Pokemon Crystal Shards (Fire Red Hack).gba16,00Mb
Pokemon Crystal Shards Beta 1.2 (Fire Red Hack) [f1] (Save).gba16,00Mb
Pokemon Crystal Shards Beta 1.2 (Fire Red Hack).gba16,00Mb
Pokemon Dark Cobalt (Beta 1) (Fire Red Hack).gba16,00Mb
Pokemon Dark Cry - The Legend of Giratina (Alpha 2.6.7) (Fire Red Hack).gba32,00Mb
Pokemon Dark Cry - The Legend of Giratina (Alpha) (Fire Red Hack).gba32,00Mb
Pokemon Dark Cry - The Legend of Giratina (Beta 5) (Fire Red Hack).gba16,00Mb
Pokemon Dark Cry - The Legend of Giratina (Fire Red Hack).gba16,00Mb
Pokemon Dark Rising (Beta 1) (Fire Red Hack).gba16,00Mb
Pokemon Dark Rising (Beta 2) (Fire Red Hack).gba16,00Mb
Pokemon Dark Rising (Fire Red Hack).gba16,00Mb
Pokemon Dark Rising (V1) (Fire Red Hack).gba16,00Mb
Pokemon Dark Violet (Alpha 1) (Fire Red Hack).gba16,00Mb
Pokemon Dark Violet (Alpha v2.2) (Fire Red Hack).gba16,00Mb
Pokemon Darkstars Road To Dreams (Beta v) (Fire Red Hack).gba16,00Mb
Pokemon Deneb (Fire Red Hack).gba16,00Mb
Pokemon Elemental Rift (Alpha 1) (Fire Red Hack).gba16,00Mb
Pokemon Elements (Fire Red Hack).gba16,00Mb
Pokemon Elite Quest (Alpha 1) (Fire Red Hack).gba16,00Mb
Pokemon Eruption (Beta 2.16) (Fire Red Hack).gba16,00Mb
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Pokemon Fire Red 3 in 1 (Hack).gba16,00Mb
Pokemon Fire Red Backwards Edition (Hack).gba16,00Mb
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Pokemon Fire Red Version 386 (Hack) [T+Rus].gbaRussian Translation16,00Mb
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Pokemon Grand Day Out, A (Leaf Green Hack).gba16,00Mb
Pokemon Gust Demo (Fire Red Hack).gba16,00Mb
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Pokemon Insight v1.5 (Fire Red Hack).gba16,00Mb
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Pokemon Legend of Fenju (Fire Red Hack).gba16,00Mb
Pokemon Legends (Fire Red Hack).gba16,00Mb
Pokemon Lightning Yellow (Beta 0.12) (Fire Red Hack).gba16,00Mb
Pokemon Lightning Yellow (Beta 0.19) (Fire Red Hack).gba16,00Mb
Pokemon Lightning Yellow (Fire Red Hack).gba16,00Mb
Pokemon Lilac (Beta 1.1) (Fire Red Hack).gba16,00Mb
Pokemon Liquid Crystal (Beta 3.1) (Fire Red Hack).gba16,00Mb
Pokemon Liquid Crystal (Beta 3.2) (Fire Red Hack).gba16,00Mb
Pokemon Liquid Crystal (Beta 3.3) (Fire Red Hack).gba16,00Mb
Pokemon Liquid Crystal (Fire Red Hack) [a1].gba16,00Mb
Pokemon Liquid Crystal (Fire Red Hack) [a2].gba16,00Mb
Pokemon Liquid Crystal (Fire Red Hack).gba16,00Mb
Pokemon Liquid Ocean (Alpha 1.2) (Fire Red Hack).gba16,00Mb
Pokemon Liquid Ocean (Fire Red Hack) [T+Bra].gbaBrazilian Translation16,00Mb
Pokemon Liquid Ocean (Fire Red Hack).gba16,00Mb
Pokemon Luria (Beta 1) (Fire Red Hack).gba16,00Mb
Pokemon Manly Pink (Beta) (Fire Red Hack).gba16,00Mb
Pokemon Manly Pink (Fire Red Hack).gba16,00Mb
Pokemon Marble (Beta 2) (Fire Red Hack).gba16,00Mb
Pokemon Marble (Beta 2.1) (Fire Red Hack).gba16,00Mb
Pokemon MarioMon (Fire Red Hack).gba16,00Mb
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Pokemon Moemon (Fire Red Hack) [a1].gba16,00Mb
Pokemon Moemon (Fire Red Hack).gba16,00Mb
Pokemon My Ass (Fire Red Hack).gba16,00Mb
Pokemon Mystical (Spanish Version) (Fire Red Hack) [a1].gba16,00Mb
Pokemon Mystical (Spanish Version) (Fire Red Hack).gba16,00Mb
Pokemon Nature (Beta 1.1) (Fire Red Hack).gba16,00Mb
Pokemon Normal (Beta 1) (Fire Red Hack).gba32,00Mb
Pokemon Normal (Beta 1.5) (Fire Red Hack).gba32,00Mb
Pokemon Nusantara (v0.4) (Fire Red Hack).gba16,00Mb
Pokemon Old White (Fire Red Hack).gba16,00Mb
Pokemon Orchid (Fire Red Hack).gba16,00Mb
Pokemon Oro Sole (Fire Red Hack).gba16,00Mb
Pokemon Palladium (Beta 1) (Fire Red Hack).gba16,00Mb
Pokemon Poli Edition by LordV-Man (Fire Red Hack).gba16,00Mb
Pokemon Procyon (Fire Red Hack).gba16,00Mb
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Pokemon Rijon Adventures Alpha (Fire Red Hack) [f1] (Save).gba16,00Mb
Pokemon Rijon Adventures Alpha (Fire Red Hack).gba16,00Mb
Pokemon Rijon Adventures Pre-Alpha (Fire Red Hack) [f1] (Save).gba16,00Mb
Pokemon Rijon Adventures Pre-Alpha (Fire Red Hack).gba16,00Mb
Pokemon Rijon Adventures X by Koolboyman (Fire Red Hack).gba32,00Mb
Pokemon Rijon Adventures by Koolboyman (Fire Red Hack).gba32,00Mb
Pokemon Rijon Adventures v1.0Beta1 by Koolboyman (Fire Red Hack).gba32,00Mb
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Pokemon Rose (Beta 1) (Fire Red Hack).gba16,00Mb
Pokemon Scorched Earth (Fire Red Hack).gba16,00Mb
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Pokemon Septo Conquest (V3.1) (Fire Red Hack).gba16,00Mb
Pokemon Shattered Dreams (Beta 1) (Fire Red Hack).gba16,00Mb
Pokemon Shattered Dreams (Fire Red Hack).gba16,00Mb
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Pokemon Shiny Flame (Beta) (Fire Red Hack).gba16,00Mb
Pokemon ShinyGold V1.0 (Fire Red Hack) [f1] (Save).gba16,00Mb
Pokemon ShinyGold V1.0 (Fire Red Hack).gba16,00Mb
Pokemon ShinyGold V2.0 (Fire Red Hack) [f1] (Save).gba16,00Mb
Pokemon ShinyGold V2.0 (Fire Red Hack).gba16,00Mb
Pokemon ShinyGold V3.0 (Fire Red Hack) [f1] (Save).gba16,00Mb
Pokemon ShinyGold V3.0 (Fire Red Hack).gba16,00Mb
Pokemon ShinyGold Version (Fire Red Hack).gba16,00Mb
Pokemon ShinyGold Version X (Fire Red Hack).gba16,00Mb
Pokemon Shrouded Chaos (Fire Red Hack).gba16,00Mb
Pokemon Sienna (Beta 3.1) (Fire Red Hack).gba16,00Mb
Pokemon Silver Beta 0.1 (Fire Red Hack).gba16,00Mb
Pokemon Smiley Face (Fire Red Hack).gba16,00Mb
Pokemon Solid Brown V1 (Fire Red Hack) [f1] (Save).gba16,00Mb
Pokemon Solid Brown V2 (Fire Red Hack) [f1] (Save).gba16,00Mb
Pokemon Sphinx (Fire Red Hack).gba16,00Mb
Pokemon Stadium Advanced (Beta 1.1) (Fire Red Hack).gba16,00Mb
Pokemon Star Drop (Alpha 1) (Fire Red Hack).gba16,00Mb
Pokemon Tentaquil (V1.6) (Fire Red Hack).gba16,00Mb
Pokemon The Tempest (Beta 2) (Fire Red Hack).gba16,06Mb
Pokemon Thunder Emblem (Beta 1) (Fire Red Hack).gba16,00Mb
Pokemon Thunder Emblem (Fire Red Hack).gba16,00Mb
Pokemon Top Secret (Beta 1.5) (Fire Red Hack).gba16,00Mb
Pokemon Touhoumon (1.53English) (Fire Red Hack).gba16,00Mb
Pokemon Touhoumon (1.812Merry Version) (Fire Red Hack).gba16,00Mb
Pokemon Touhoumon (1.812Renko Version Johto Edition) (Fire Red Hack).gba16,00Mb
Pokemon Touhoumon (1.812Renko Version) (Fire Red Hack).gba16,00Mb
Pokemon Touhoumon (1.8English) (Fire Red Hack).gba16,00Mb
Pokemon Touhoumon (15e1-1934) (Fire Red Hack).gba32,00Mb
Pokemon Touhoumon (Aqua+Yui Version) (Fire Red Hack).gba32,00Mb
Pokemon Touhoumon (English Original Fire Red Char) (RGB) (Fire Red Hack).gba16,00Mb
Pokemon Touhoumon (SA Patch+SA Music Patch) (Fire Red Hack).gba16,00Mb
Pokemon Touhoumon Aquamentis (Fire Red Hack).gba32,00Mb
Pokemon Touhoumon Emerald X (Fire Red Hack).gba16,00Mb
Pokemon Touhoumon Extra (Fire Red Hack).gba16,00Mb
Pokemon Touhoumon Gensokyo (Fire Red Hack).gba16,00Mb
Pokemon Touhoumon Johto Edition (Fire Red Hack).gba16,00Mb
Pokemon Touhoumon Lunatic (Merry Version with Johto) (Fire Red Hack).gba16,00Mb
Pokemon Touhoumon Lunatic (Renko Version with Johto) (Fire Red Hack).gba16,00Mb
Pokemon Touhoumon Merry's Version (Fire Red Hack).gba32,00Mb
Pokemon Touhoumon World Link (V1.25) (Fire Red Hack).gba32,00Mb
Pokemon Touhoumon World Link (V1.33) (Fire Red Hack).gba32,00Mb
Pokemon Toxic Purple (Beta V1) (Fire Red Hack).gba16,00Mb
Pokemon Turquoise (Beta 1.2) (Fire Red Hack).gba16,00Mb
Pokemon Ultra Violet (1.21LSA) (Fire Red Hack).gba16,00Mb
Pokemon Ultra Violet (Beta) (Fire Red Hack).gba16,00Mb
Pokemon Ultra Violet (V1.22) (Fire Red Hack).gba16,00Mb
Pokemon Vega (Fire Red Hack) [a1].gba16,00Mb
Pokemon Vega (Fire Red Hack).gba16,00Mb
Pokemon Volcano (Fire Red Hack).gba16,00Mb
Pokemon Waterfall (Fire Red Hack) [a1].gba16,00Mb
Pokemon Waterfall (Fire Red Hack).gba16,00Mb
Pokemon White Amethyst (mini beta) (Fire Red Hack).gba16,00Mb
Ponymon Dawn (alpha 0.21) (Fire Red Hack).gba16,00Mb
Ponymon Dawn (alpha 0.32) (Fire Red Hack).gba16,00Mb
Ponymon Dusk (alpha 0.21) (Fire Red Hack).gba16,00Mb
Ponymon Dusk (alpha 0.32) (Fire Red Hack).gba16,00Mb
Touhou Puppet Play (1.8 Enhanced v1.11 - Renko) (Fire Red Hack).gba32,00Mb
Touhou Puppet Play (1.8 Enhanced v1.11) (Fire Red Hack).gba32,00Mb
Touhoumon (Fire Red Hack).gba16,00Mb
Touhoumon - Marisa Magic World (Fire Red Hack).gba32,00Mb
Touhoumon Another World (Fire Red Hack).gba32,00Mb
Touhoumon Aqua (Fire Red Hack).gba32,00Mb
Touhoumon Blue Version (Fire Red Hack).gba16,00Mb
Touhoumon Emerald (Fire Red Hack).gba16,00Mb
Touhoumon Insane Version (Fire Red Hack).gba16,00Mb
Touhoumon World Link (Fire Red Hack).gba32,00Mb
Touhoumon v1.53 (Fire Red Hack) [T+Chi].gbaChinese Translation16,00Mb
Touhoumon v1.53 (Fire Red Hack) [T+Eng].gba16,00Mb
Touhoumon v1.53 (Fire Red Hack).gba16,00Mb